What happens to fuel injection when you come off the accelerator pedal?

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I’ve heard people say that fuel injection automatically turns off when you let the car coast in gear, but if I completely let off the accelerator in first gear, the car will only slow down to 3-5mph (depending on the car) and will then stay at that speed indefinitely like a lil’ cruise control, suggesting that the car was always injecting fuel at engine idle ratio?

I understand this kind of question has been asked before, but as this element doesn’t check out, I don’t believe it has actually been completely answered.

In: Engineering

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you take your foot off the accelerator. You are just telling the cars computer something.

Your pedal is connected to a computer, not the engine directly. (Old cars this is not true).

It is technically up to the computer what it actually does with the fuel and throttle bodies based on how much pedal and other factors like your speed.

Whoever programmed your car decided that at really slow speeds, no pedal travel still should add a tiny bit of fuel and air to maintain a low speed.

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