what happens to money and properties of dead people with no relatives ?


what happens to money and properties of dead people with no relatives ?

In: 5

3 Answers

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Here in the USA, if someone dies with no next of kin and no will, their property is taken by the state.

Typically the state has no use for it, so they sell everything at auction. Although that’s not always the case. IIRC there was one case where a rancher died and the state deliberately sold his land to a wind farm developer. Which caught a lot of flak because at least when it’s at auction everyone has a chance to buy it. But when it’s a closed sale like that it seemed a little corrupt. However it was ruled that there’s no requirement for government seized assets going up for sale to be available in public auctions. They were legal when they privately sold it.

In short. In the USA. The state the property is in claims the property. Usually they just auction it off for the money. But they can technically do whatever they want with it.

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