What happens to the blood after you internally bleed?


Does it just stay there forever? Where does it go in the first place? Does it dry up? If so, how?

In: 371

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hello while I might not know the exact details of what goes on inside a body I have hemophilia A severe a bleeding condition where my blood can’t clot at all. I have near constant internal bleeding and bruises. But I infuse myself with the clotting factor I’m missing that is extracted from normal people blood.

My biggest issues is not bruises while they look bad they don’t hurt it’s the bleeding you can’t see, joint bleeds. Bleeding into the joint sucks you lose range of motion and are in pain non stop. I do t know how to explain it but I can sometimes feel the cut inside my joint because you feel as it bleeds and pressure build up when you move.

It’s called hemoarthrosis bleeding into a joint.

So i infuse my factor goes to the site and clots the blood what next? Well the body cleans up the blood and I can move again. the body can’t tell the difference from blood and joint tissue and over time you develop arthritis. I have lost range of motion in my left elbow and my left ankle from years of repeated bleeding and swelling.

I have never been suggested draining a joint of the bleed because it will cause even more bleeding but I assume it can be done to people without bleeding disorders.

But yeah I know it’s not as detailed as others and I’m really just telling what doctors have told me and personal experience but internal bleeding is my life!

If you have any question feel free to ask I’m more than happy to talk about hemophilia and bleeding disorders I’ve had bleeds all over my body in every joint and into almost every muscle group. Hip Joint bleeds are the worst and back muscle bleeds hurt like hell.

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