What happens to the corpses of bacteria when it dies, are there just dead bacteria cells everywhere? Where does it go?


What happens to the corpses of bacteria when it dies, are there just dead bacteria cells everywhere? Where does it go?

In: 22

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When bacteria die, they leave behind genetic material known as plasmids. These plasmids code for things like antibiotic resistance and other characteristics. Other bacteria pick up these plasmids that are left in the environment.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The cells tear and the bits leak out and just float around until they are either: break into smaller bits, react with chemicals, or get eaten by something else.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They break down into component molecules and proteins that are then consumed by other organisms.

In bacterial infections this breakdown can sometimes cause you to get paradoxically sicker with treatment. For example, patients with stage 2 syphilis usually see a worsening of symptoms and have a flu-like reaction within 6-12 hours of starting antibiotics that lasts for about 24-48 hours. It’s caused by the rupture of the syphilis bacteria releasing toxins into the body which triggers an intense imuno-response.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a youtube channel called Journey to the Microcosmos which did several videos on cell death. You can highlight and google search for easy access .

Anonymous 0 Comments

The dead body cells are digested by bacteria and yes even eventually the dead bacteria cells will also be digested by other bacteria. https://youtu.be/_7Xk8t7pVLM

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, corpse isn’t realdy a thing for a single cell creature. When it dies, the cell wall is no longer maintained. It ruptures and the chemicals inside spill out.