What happens to the “hormones of happiness” the brain makes?


From what I know in basic biochem (tbh I don’t even know if this is basic biochem or not): The chemical reactions within the body cause the phenomena in the body (i.e. Cellular Respiration).

So my question is what happens to the Dopamine and other hormones of happiness after they’re produced? If the conversion of ATP to ADP creates the energy for the cell and growth hormones are used to promote and induce “growth”, what happens to the hormones of happiness?

PS. I tried looking it up but google just tells me what the hormones of happiness are

In: 9

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, one, “hormones of happiness” is a *massive* oversimplification. The best we can say is “depression and related conditions seem to kinda-sorta be related to those chemicals in a way that kinda-sorta suggests that there’s not enough of them, but it isn’t as simple as just-make-more-and-you’ll-be-happy”.

But the answer to your question is [reuptake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reuptake). Neurons remove neurotransmitters from the synapse connecting them to other neurons and store them inside themselves, where they’re not active. One major class of antidepressants – SSRIs, for “selective serotonin uptake inhibitor” – works by slowing this process, leaving more serotonin in the synapse for longer. Or at least, we think that’s maybe-probably-sorta how it works. This stuff is not well-understood at that level.

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