What happens to your body when you have aids and got sick?


Title says it all. If you got AIDS/HIV and got a fever. Will you still feel cold or shivers? I thought that if you got AIDS/HIV you don’t have cells to fight against virus. So I’m guessing your body won’t fight it and supress increasing your body temperature and pumping more blood.

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To follow up on some other comments. Late Stage AIDS infection is when most of your body’s CD4 T-cells/ white blood cells are compromised and you don’t have much of an immune system. The smallest infections can be fatal at this point, but due to modern anti-HIV retroviral therapy most people don’t actually progress to full blown AIDS.

So as long as a person is on anti-retroviral therapy, they’ll just get sick, they’ll still have a fever, running nose, aches, etc. They might still need to go to a doctor and get anti-biotics or other medicine if their HIV went a while without being detected.

Now when it comes to full blown aids, the body still has some T-cells that are being produced, but the HIV virus is actively attacking them as they’re being made, so a person with late stage AIDS may have signs and symptoms of an infection, but will very rapidly go down hill as the infection spreads and the body can’t produce more T-cells to stop it

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