What happens to your body when you have aids and got sick?


Title says it all. If you got AIDS/HIV and got a fever. Will you still feel cold or shivers? I thought that if you got AIDS/HIV you don’t have cells to fight against virus. So I’m guessing your body won’t fight it and supress increasing your body temperature and pumping more blood.

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Late-stage AIDS of the kind you’re talking about makes minor illnesses very dangerous and potentially fatal. (Most modern people with HIV, at least in the developed world, do not progress to the stage you’re talking about thanks to advances in anti-HIV drugs.)

But you would still get a fever. The fact that you don’t have the white blood cells needed to fight the illness doesn’t mean your body can’t detect it. It can still send the chemical signals of tissue damage, and fever isn’t the direct result of white blood cells – it’s actually controlled by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus.

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