what happens when black light passes through a prism


what happens when black light passes through a prism

In: 13

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

By black light, I assume you mean ultraviolet light. It gets refracted just like visible light. So, it would come out of the prism at an angle depending on its wavelength just like visible light does.

In fact. I bet you could test this if you could mask around the prism to block all light around the prism and then shine a black light through the prism and see where on the other side something fluorescent would glow. That might be kind of cool.

All wavelengths of light from radio waves to gamma waves can be refracted by a prism, but they might need a different kind of prism material depending on the wavelength.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Black light is the same as “regular” light, only in the non-visible (ultraviolet) spectrum.
So the same would happen, just in a smaller spectrum and not directly visible to us.