What happens when video is enhanced?


And why can’t we clean up older forms of film or “enhance” them?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on the context. If it was something originally shot on film, but later distributed at a lower quality for TV or early internet, it’s as simple as tracking down the physical film reel and rescanning it with better cameras. (example: Wham’s Last Christmas music video is 4k on YouTube now and looks incredible)

If it’s something that was shot on a TV camera (pretty low quality back in the day since it was for 480 televisions) then there is no higher quality version anywhere. But it can be run through a computer program to deinterlace and artificially increase the quality. A program doing this tracks what it thinks would’ve been a straight line then filling in those pixels to the best of its ability. (sometimes this looks great, sometimes not). This is usually what a video being enhanced means.

Here’s a 7 minute Tom Scott video that explains this all very well https://youtu.be/CkysCJBdGtw

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