What happens when you get a kink in your neck?


You know when you wake up, and you can only turn your neck in one direction because it hurts like hell (likely from sleeping in a bad position)?Physiologically – what’s happening? Is it something related to muscles, joints, tendons, nerves? Is there a best course of action to resolve the pain and whatever’s causing it?

In: 466

18 Answers

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ELI5 version: Your body gets held in a position that it’s not typically held in for an extended period of time, so your muscles are becoming over stretched and therefore strained. In this unusual position, maybe blood flow has been inhibited, maybe the temperature changes and you shivered or sweat, maybe you’re dehydrated, maybe you injured yourself during the day and it’s finally settling in as you sleep. Sometimes the aches and pains we experienced during the day don’t show themselves til the evening. There are a lot of factors that can cause your muscles to feel worse when in an unfamiliar position, especially for an extended period of time.

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