What happens when you get a kink in your neck?


You know when you wake up, and you can only turn your neck in one direction because it hurts like hell (likely from sleeping in a bad position)?Physiologically – what’s happening? Is it something related to muscles, joints, tendons, nerves? Is there a best course of action to resolve the pain and whatever’s causing it?

In: 466

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lots of interesting ideas but I think most posts are over thinking it. The vast majority of these are strains in various muscles in the neck.

Nobody’s neck muscles are perfectly healthy, and twitches or night jumps can cause minor strains in them. Especially if you sleep in funny positions and have compromised neck fitness (who doesn’t?).

Of course there are dozens if not hundreds of other reasons, but the cast majority of “cricks” in your neck are simple muscle strains. They go away on their own and will respond mildly to TLC.

Since a strain is a very small tear, there is no magic fix. Think of it like a cut in your skin, can anything really make it heal faster? Not really. 5-10%, maybe.

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