What happens when you get a kink in your neck?


You know when you wake up, and you can only turn your neck in one direction because it hurts like hell (likely from sleeping in a bad position)?Physiologically – what’s happening? Is it something related to muscles, joints, tendons, nerves? Is there a best course of action to resolve the pain and whatever’s causing it?

In: 466

18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I feel like you need [a visual diagram](https://images.app.goo.gl/FH8VtrYVyp2gzE7x8) to truly ELI5.

Your spinal cord is one long bendy thing that is made up of several ‘little pieces’. You have muscles lining the spinal cord to protect it and also to keep it in line the way it’s supposed to be. Sleeping wrong can move one (or more) of those ‘little pieces’ out of their normal spot. When that happens, the muscles surrounding the pieces are stretched/pulled/moved in ways they don’t want to be. And the end result is pain 🙁

A chiropractor would explain it better.

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