What happens when your brain goes on auto pilot?


I drive a lot, and sometimes I just “scare” back into reality and I realize I wasn’t even paying attention the last few seconds, and it feels weird. Why and how does this happen?

In: 2885

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

You probably were paying attention. I sometimes black out while playing chess and continue to do the right moves for 2-3 turns without thinking about the board at all.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A few seconds? Newbie! I can make 30 mins journey and don’t even know how I managed to arrive

Anonymous 0 Comments

I spend a lot of time in this state. I feel like it’s and ADHD thing when it happens to excess

Anonymous 0 Comments

Whats the reason for this happening more often? A lot of the time this happens to me, I’ll do some task and forget, or not know what the specific parts where

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not gonna lie I’m jealous of how autopilot me knows better what to do in life and connects all the dots much smoother than conscious me

Anonymous 0 Comments

“I realize I wasn’t paying attention the last few seconds.”

Yes you were. To use old terminology, the TV was running, but the VCR wasn’t recording. Your brain filters out tons of useless information throughout the day, because intently focusing on everything and committing it all to long term memory would be wasteful and exhausting.

Anonymous 0 Comments

All those lights that I just passed, were they green?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I read somewhere a while back that driving is one of the only complicated tasks we can perform automatically. Something to do with it being high risk that it happens so successfully


I drive a lot, and sometimes I just “scare” back into reality and I realize I wasn’t even paying attention the last few seconds, and it feels weird. Why and how does this happen?

In: 2885

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

You probably were paying attention. I sometimes black out while playing chess and continue to do the right moves for 2-3 turns without thinking about the board at all.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A few seconds? Newbie! I can make 30 mins journey and don’t even know how I managed to arrive

Anonymous 0 Comments

I spend a lot of time in this state. I feel like it’s and ADHD thing when it happens to excess

Anonymous 0 Comments

Whats the reason for this happening more often? A lot of the time this happens to me, I’ll do some task and forget, or not know what the specific parts where

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not gonna lie I’m jealous of how autopilot me knows better what to do in life and connects all the dots much smoother than conscious me

Anonymous 0 Comments

“I realize I wasn’t paying attention the last few seconds.”

Yes you were. To use old terminology, the TV was running, but the VCR wasn’t recording. Your brain filters out tons of useless information throughout the day, because intently focusing on everything and committing it all to long term memory would be wasteful and exhausting.

Anonymous 0 Comments

All those lights that I just passed, were they green?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I read somewhere a while back that driving is one of the only complicated tasks we can perform automatically. Something to do with it being high risk that it happens so successfully