What happens with sinkholes after they open?


We see news reports of sinkholes opening in various places all over the world. What I never hear about is what’s done afterward. I assume smaller ones, like this one in [Taiwan](https://supercarblondie.com/sinkhole-swallows-tesla-model-y-taiwan/) could be repaired without too much hassle. What about the larger sinkholes in [Turkey](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11262701/16-giant-sinkholes-open-one-Turkish-region-months.html)?

Is there a way to make land like that usable again? Or do people just sort of put up a sign and hope no one falls in?

In: 2829

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on the sinkhole and how it forms. The one in the photo, it’s likely preferential drainage through poor soil. Storm drain leakage may have caused soil to get washed away into void space underground, or allowed the soil to wash into the storm drain and carry away through the pipes.

Obvious minimum answer is they fix the leak and refill.

For other types, there’s probably a subsurface investigation to look for other voids. Ground penetrating radar or electric resistivity testing are examples of these types of investigations that don’t require a drilling rig to poke around for voids. Those tests may also lead to a drilling plan, focusing on areas of likely void space.

If other voids are found, which isn’t totally uncommon in limestone and similar rock, they may end up filling with grout to plug holes. If no other voids, they should be able to fill with better, well compacted soil, and close up the old hole.

And if it’s rural enough, you just let it go. It’ll fill in itself long term. May retrogress long term. If there’s no houses, building, or roads, theres not much reason to dump money into it.

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