What happens with sinkholes after they open?


We see news reports of sinkholes opening in various places all over the world. What I never hear about is what’s done afterward. I assume smaller ones, like this one in [Taiwan](https://supercarblondie.com/sinkhole-swallows-tesla-model-y-taiwan/) could be repaired without too much hassle. What about the larger sinkholes in [Turkey](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11262701/16-giant-sinkholes-open-one-Turkish-region-months.html)?

Is there a way to make land like that usable again? Or do people just sort of put up a sign and hope no one falls in?

In: 2829

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In cities where the land is valuable they normally get filled in or built over, sometimes they become waste dumps.

In the countryside it’s not normally worth anyone’s time and money to fill them in, they are left alone or they become a waste dump and poison the groundwater

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