What is a bad faith arguement, exactly?


Honestly, I’ve seen a few different definitions for it, from an argument that’s just meant to br antagonistic, another is that it’s one where the one making seeks to win no matter what, another is where the person making it knows it’s wrong but makes it anyway.

Can anyone nail down what arguing in bad faith actually is for me? If so, that’d be great.

In: 647

78 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think the correct meaning has been mentioned a few different times, but I thought I might try to reiterate or simplify.

Someone is arguing in bad faith when they are willing to result to basically any tactic aside from outright lying to make their argument appear favorable or correct.

This can include:

The misrepresentation, omission, or misconstruing of fact.

*”Five people on that flight were wearing masks and they still got sick”, knowing full well an additional 15 who were not wearing masks also got sick.*

An attack of character that is completely unrelated to the argument.

“*What does this guy know about medicine, his favorite show is Scrubs!*”

Knowingly citing an unreliable, invalid, or biased source

*”Well, Alex Jones said.. “*

Or basically anything that is *deliberately* misleading in the interest of “proof”.

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