What is a bad faith arguement, exactly?


Honestly, I’ve seen a few different definitions for it, from an argument that’s just meant to br antagonistic, another is that it’s one where the one making seeks to win no matter what, another is where the person making it knows it’s wrong but makes it anyway.

Can anyone nail down what arguing in bad faith actually is for me? If so, that’d be great.

In: 647

78 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Negotiating in bad faith is when you are negotiation with zero intent on finalizing a deal.

Bad faith argument seems to be a bit fuzzier but I’ve seen it defined similar to bad faith negotiating. Arguing a point you actually don’t believe.

A real life example. Republicans arguing that wind turbines decimate bird populations. Regardless if it’s true or not, the party has always favored abundant energy/cheaper energy over environmental concerns. Arguing the environmental impact of wind farms using bird deaths is a bad faith argument.

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