What is a construct?


Like when people say time is a construct, or virginity is a construct.

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9 Answers

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A construct is something that has been created by people as opposed to naturally occurring, those things are not constructed but rather discovered. You seem to specifically be talking about social constructs which are ideas society have collectively created to help us interact with and understand the world. My go to example is colors, light reflects of of surfaces, certain frequencies get absorbed it bounces back into our eyes hits our cone sensors which triggers a reaction that varies based on the frequencies of the light. We didn’t construct any of this it’s just a property of the universe. However we have given names to these reactions and these are social constructs. If you ask any American person what color a Barbie dolls car is they will tell you it’s pink. No one is going to say it’s red, even though pink is really just a light shade of red. But this isn’t universal, Russians use two different names for blue one light and one dark just like we do for pink and red. Some languages don’t use a separate word for blue and green.

Who is right here? Which language uses all of the correct color names and none of the uncorrect ones? Well all of them are correct, or none of them are there is not test we can do to discover what is the true name of a certain frequency of light. We kind of just have to agree that we all just made up these names. That might not cause a lot of controversy but you can look at a lot of ideas that are important to human’s the same way and make some people very angry. Race, gender, time, money etc. different societies have constructed these ideas differently then we do around the world and throughout history also but you are much more likely offend someone by having a different opinion on these then you would be by say picking a different paint then they would expect.

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