What is a construct?


Like when people say time is a construct, or virginity is a construct.

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a construct (usually in this context more specifically a “social construct”)is anything created and/or given special meaning by humankind, to serve some purpose for some humans. Usually when used in this way, it is meant to point out that if we don’t like the special meaning it’s given or the purpose it serves, we can change it.

For instance, while the passage of time is something that we undoubtedly experience, we have constructed the concept of a day to coincide with our biological processes of sleep during the dark times and wakefulness during the light times, divided these up arbitrarily, and made things to track things.

And while indeed, the state of “has this person had sex in their life, y/n?” is a factual thing that in some cases can be inferred by some biological mechanism (this is a lot more faulty than people tend to think, but I’m not going into all the other reasons that a hymen could break than penetrative sex right now), how much that matters is entirely made up by the collective human society we’ve created.

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