What is a guitar scale?


Hi, i’ve been trying to learn music theory and there is a lot of things I don’t get.

Is a scale all the notes that sound good together? If so, why do some of them played together in the scame scale sound bad/dissonant? It makes no sense to me. Also, what is a key? Is it a group of notes/chords that sound good together? How do I start writing my own fingerstyle tabs?

In: 35

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We have 12 notes in Western music. Think of them as colours.

Some colours just don’t work with others, so we take them out. This leaves us with seven, and these form the **key.**

A scale is simply playing up/down the key, like going up and down a ladder. Chords are made by taking alternating notes from the scale:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

A C chord starts with a C, then miss the D, take the E, miss the F, take the G.

A Dm chord starts with a D, miss, F, miss, A and so on.

*** edited: was “We have 11 notes …”, now “We have 12 notes …”. Kudos to /u/OldGriffin

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