What is a Hexadecimal?

771 viewsMathematicsOther

I was looking at a web page listing specific colors and it had a spot next to each color listing a Hexadecimal. What the hex is a Hexadecimal? I did google it but have math dyslexia (dyscalculia) so had trouble understanding. Grazie.

In: Mathematics

10 Answers

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Hexadecimal is base 16, so instead of numbers going from 0 to 9 like decimal (base 10, i.e. normal numbers), they go from zero to 15, with the six remaining numbers above nine being a through f. The first digit is multiplied by 16 to the zero, or 1. The second digit is multiplied by 16 to the 1st or 16. So 10 in hexadecimal is 16. The third digit is multiplied by 16 to the 2nd, or 256, so 100 in hexadecimal is 256. The Fourth digit would be 4,096, and the 5th digit would be 65536, etc. decimal works the same way, but using 10 instead of 16.

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