Easy version: It’s a kind of number that can have digits 0-9 and also the letters A-F. Examples: 11, 59, B6, F1. For specifying colors you don’t need to know how to do math with hexadecimal numbers, just copy/paste the number where you need it. Just think of it as a nickname for the color.
More complete version: It’s a number system that has 16 digits 0123456789ABCDEF instead of our usual 10 digits. A=10 and F=15. A number with more than one digit like B9F2 has a 4096s-place, 256s-place, a 16s-place and a ones-place, similar to how usual decimal numbers have a ten-thousands place, thousands place, a hundreds place and a ones place. So B9F2 = 11*4096 + 9*256 + 15*16 + 2 = 47,602
The reason it exists is because it is easier to work with how computers store numbers internally in hexadecimal than in decimal, when doing low level computer work. Hexadecimal “fits” better with how computers store numbers.
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