What is a jump cut?


What is a jump cut?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s an abrupt cut from one shot to a completely different one. For instance in a scene where a woman is getting ready for work and making a sandwich. <cut> Now she’s in the car driving to work.

That’s a jump cut. We don’t need to see every step to understand that she left. It doesn’t serve the story to show her putting on shoes, getting a jacket, looking for her phone, etc. The first shot tells us she’s getting ready to go and the next one tells us she’s already left. We can skip the stuff in the middle and jump right to her in the car.

It’s different from the edits you might do to cut from one angle to another while she’s making lunch first. Say she’s in a conversation so you want to have different angles to show both people. It’s the same scene in the same room, so those cuts aren’t jump cuts.

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