What is a lepto-quark?


I came across this expression in a book that did not explain what it meant. All I find on Google are long academic reports that I don’t have the time or energy to read through. Thanks a lot for your help!

In: 3

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a theoretical particle that would interact with Leptons and Quarks.

While it’s not been confirmed to exist, in several theories it’s been inferenced to exist through what we’ve measured in subatomic particle behavior.

Anonymous 0 Comments

One property of elementary particles is that of *spin*. It’s not really necessary to understand what spin *is* just that it is a characteristic of matter.

Fermions are elementary particles whose spin is an odd multiple of 1/2. e.g. 1/2, 3/2, 5/2…

Fermions are subdivided into *quarks*, which have an additional property called “color” and interact with the strong nuclear force; and *leptons* which don’t have “color” and don’t interact with the strong nuclear force.

Leptoquarks are a proposed form of particle that has properties of both quarks and leptons and in fact ultimately decays into quarks and leptons. Think of it is a proposed mother particle, or prototype particle, that exists only at high energies that unifies quarks and leptons together.