What is a loaded question?


What is a loaded question?

In: 95

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Considering your stupidness, why are you asking this?

LOL jk, what I just said is an example of a loaded question. Hope that helped a bit

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Have you stopped hitting your wife?” Is a loaded question. The question has a built in assumption that makes you look guilty no matter how you answer.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Katy, have you seen a couple of Dyck’s lately?
That’s a loaded question big brother.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A loaded question is a form of a complex question that contains a controversial assumption. Such questions may be used as a rhetorical tool: the question attempts to limit direct replies to be those that serve the questioner’s agenda. An example is the question “Have you stopped beating your wife?”

Anonymous 0 Comments

“When did you stop beating your wife?” The implication that you are a wife-beater is implied (loaded) in the question.

“Have you ever been caught masturbating in the closet?” If you answer ‘yes,’ then you were caught masturbating in the closet, if no, then you haven’t been caught masturbating in the closet. The implication is that you masturbate in the closet.

“Do you like the taste of your dad’s cock?” Yes or no, you suck your dad’s cock.

Anonymous 0 Comments

One partner asking to other, “why are you being so argumentative?”

Anonymous 0 Comments

A loaded question is one where regardless of the answer, you come out looking bad. Can be about anything. It’s an emotional manipulative technique and has been used in interrogations. “So did you steal the money cause you needed it or because you thought you could get away with it”?

Anonymous 0 Comments

A question that has no good answer.

The classic example is “Have you stopped beating your wife?”

Is you say yes, then it implies you were beating your wife. If you say no then it implies you still are beating your wife.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A good classic, “does your mom know you’re gay?”. If you say no it implies you are gay and your mom doesn’t know. Of course you could say, “I’m not gay”. But then they can say you’re avoiding the question.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Its like when I come home late and my wife asks me if I had fun with my other girlfriend. To which I respond, yeah I had fun with both of them at the same time.