What is a loaded question?


What is a loaded question?

In: 95

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It essentially means the asker of the question does so in manner which steers the responder towards a desired answer. The loaded language of the question almost forces the person responding to have to give an answer that the asker is looking for. It generally implies some kind of assumption that may or may not actually be true as well.

An example would be if a reporter asked a politician “why did you do it?”, theres an implication that the politician did something, even though they have yet to be proven guilty. The question is “loaded” because the reporter is working in an assumption of guilt on the part of the politician.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have you stopped beating your wife?

you can say yes, which acknowledges that you used to beat her, or no, which acknowledges that you still do