What is a non-UK domiciled status and what are the tax implications?

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I lived in the UK from 2011 until recently, with a 2-year break between 2021 and 2023. I’m unsure how this affects my non-dom tax status. Can someone explain how this works and how the new proposal by labour would affect this?

In: Other

Anonymous 0 Comments

Im going to assume that you are not one of the 113000 high net worth individual with significant earnings outside the UK while you lived in the UK who have specifically claimed your permanent domicile is outside the UK . – Unless this is the case then what they are discussing is not really probably applicable to you.


If it is then you probably have a lawyer and tax accountant with whom you really should be discussing this.

If you want a summary of changes the n this article is pretty straightforward and explains the plans already implemented and plans by the current administration and Labour – Short summary – its being phased out.
