What is a promissory estoppel?


This topic has been brought up in my friends circle and its seems a legal reason to sue your employer

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3 Answers

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Promissory estoppel is a fairly narrow legal method for enforcing a promise that was detrimentally relied upon, even in the absence of a more explicit contract. If someone promised you something, reneges, and you lost something as a result of that, you might have a claim.

The context I see it brought up in employment most frequently is someone backing out of a job offer. Let’s say you apply for a job out of state and they agree to hire you but do not provide relocation assistance as part of your job offer. You find an apartment in your new city, rent a moving van, and relocate. You’re ready to start your new job on Monday! Friday afternoon comes and they tell you that they’ve offered the job to someone else instead. Even though you never worked for them, and may have never signed any paperwork at all, you relied upon their job offer and uprooted your life, spending a significant amount of money. You can absolutely sue them in this situation.

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