what is a rubber ducky script?


Is that like some hacking lingo?

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To understand this, understand a few facts and put them together.

1. A bad computer program like a virus is an actual software program. Your computer knows that programs can be viruses, so yoru computer doesn’t let a virus just install and run without checking it to see if its bad, and asking you (the computer user) “do you really want to install this?”

2. Instead of installing a bad program, I COULD just manually do the bad stuff to your computer from the key board. (example > open command window > turn off virus protection > open connection to evil computer > etc

3. But I can’t actually get on your keyboard and manually start typing commands to do bad stuff because… its not my computer. If I walk up to your computer and start typing on your keyboard, you’d be like “hey hey you wth are you doing??”

4. Now the rubber ducky comes in. The rubber ducky is just a USB drive that your computer sees like a USB keyboard. A keyboard isn’t a program, its a piece of hardware, so most of the time your computer just trusts it. I’m a computer. Why wouldn’t I accept input from a keyboard???

5. So you (the bad guy hacker) just has to type out all the bad commands. (this is the “SCRIPT”). Then all those commands, the script, get saved onto the USB keyboard ducky thing.

6. The someone plugs the USB ducky into another computer, (because they think its just a USB), the USB ducky replays all the keystroke commands from the script. It just spits all those keystrokes into someones computer.

The end result is the same thing as letting a bad guy sit at your keyboard and type in the bad stuff.

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