What is a social construct?


I don’t understand how so many people seem to understand the concept just fine. It sounds oddly complicated to me. The concept to me sounds like collectively concluded delusion or like if society collectively concludes something to be objectively real, that means it’s objectively real. Maybe I’m not understanding correctly?

In: 16

20 Answers

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To say something is a social construct isn’t to say it doesn’t exist. Sports are my favorite example of a social construct. People got together and made up rules and did those rules and now a sport exists. Sports certainly exist, people bond over them, professional athletes dedicate their lives to them, and a LOT of money changes hands about it. At the same time when people agree to it, sports can be changed, rules can be changed and they can cease to exist if people stop knowing them and doing them. The same thing is true of more important stuff like money. Sure money physically exists, but how much it’s worth for instance is a construct. The American penny costs twice as much to make as it is worth because society said so.

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