What is a strawman argument?


I’ve read the definition, I’ve tried to figure it out, I feel so stupid.

In: 1656

23 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you are simultaneously debating an opponent, on, say, whether coffee is a soup, and also fist-fighting them.

They argue “it’s something edible steeped in hot water until the water takes on its flavour”, and take a swing at your head.

You reply, “OH! so you think any liquid is a soup? Well milk is not a soup so therefore you’re wrong”, and at the same time, you punch a big scarecrow made of straw that’s standing next to them, instead of your actual opponent.

Your argument is sound, but it’s not actually addressing the thing they’ve said or anything anyone really believes. Your punch absolutely demolishes the scarecrow, you knock his head clean off and he falls over. But he’s not a real guy and you’ve not actually punched your opponent.

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