What is a Turing Machine?


There are many references to it in public discussions, but trying to learn about it from Wikipedia is like reading in a new foreign language.

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32 Answers

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It’s an incredibly basic computer that operates by shifting 1s and 0s around. If you understand binary programming at all, a Turing machine is essentially the most basic mechanical computer possible with only a single register and basically no memory (not technically true, but functionally true in terms of modern computing. It’ll read the input tape for commands, these commands will be in strings of 1s and 0s that cause slightly different mechanical shifts in the machine and lock certain components in place causing the machine to manipulate the data on the tape rather than just read it. There are tons of examples on YouTube of people running through explanations with graphics because of how common the topic is in CompSci curriculum. The machines are also where the term ‘Turing complete’ comes from, programs able to run entirely in sequence on a Turing machine are said to be ‘Turing complete’ and although in the past this was a useful status to have modern computing doesn’t really have the opportunity to quality check in the manner, most things are “if it works its fine” and aren’t built to high standards.

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