What is a Turing Machine?


There are many references to it in public discussions, but trying to learn about it from Wikipedia is like reading in a new foreign language.

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32 Answers

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Basically, it’s a machine that runs back and forth on a strip of 1’s and 0’s and can change any 1 to a 0 or vice versa and read the state of the current location. Any computer that can essentially be broken down to this is considered Turing Complete.

For example, your hard drive is a string of 1’s and 0’s and and it can either read or write to a given spot on the disk. The rest of the computer is just giving instructions to that disk.

This is different from the Turing Test. The Turing Test is a theoretical test that can be given to a computer so a human can tell the difference between a human and a computer. AI is an attempt to get a computer to pass the Turing Test.

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