What is a Turing Machine?


There are many references to it in public discussions, but trying to learn about it from Wikipedia is like reading in a new foreign language.

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32 Answers

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Eli5 is. A Turing machine is a very very simple computer. This computer has a single long papersstrip it can read from and can write upon. And all it does is read a single digit and then write a new digit instead and move up or down the paperstrip. It also keeps a state of what action it has previously performed and this state influences the next action… Such a simple machine can theoretically solve any problem that is solvable…. That’s a Turing machine…

That’s the eli5 part now a bit extra. now via the state table you can Programm it to do any given tasks,but for any state table it just does one task… Modern PCs are basically universal Turing machines in that they can compute any problem not just one. They are basically every possible Turing machine in one such a universal Turing machine is called Turing complete, because it can cumpute any cumputable problem.

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