what is a video file format? and is it any different then a video container format?


hello, i’m trying to understand what a video file format is and if it’s any different then a video container format, for example









are these all “video file formats” or video container formats? if these are container formats then what is the video file format of each of them and the difference between the video file format and the container format?

thank you

In: 3

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

File is what programs can open it (how the data is stored), format is what compression/program was used.

Think about how Microsoft, Google, and Apple all offer their own programs for word processors, slideshow presentations, and spreadsheets. The content can be near identical, but the saved file will look different (as a code) and have a different extension.

GIF is a bit different as it’s sort of saving each frame as a photo, but all the others will have different looking compression and different file sizes. Though you can easily change the file extension/type after the fact and sometimes that’s enough for it to be recognized as that file type.

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