What is actually happening in the electricity grid when demand is greater than supply?


I was thinking on the drive home for work that the ever increasing number of electric vehicles will likely mean an increasing demand on the energy infrastructure’s of countries.

But what is actually happening in the electricity grid if supply can’t meet demand? Is it simply the devices furthest away from the generation of power won’t receive current?

Whilst this is ELI5, I also wouldn’t mind a slightly more technical answer. Thanks!

In: 9

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> the ever increasing number of electric vehicles will likely mean an increasing demand on the energy infrastructure’s of countries.

This actually isn’t projected to be a problem. EV’s are typically charged overnight when electrical demand is half of daytime load.

Now, in cold areas with electric heat EV charging may actually be an issue. We don’t know yet because most places are transitioning to heat pumps at same time which halves heating load.

Overall, the issue is overblown IMO because of night time charging and because electrical demand in developed countries is actually dropping as HVAC, electronics, and lighting become more efficient.

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