What is actually happening in your body when you breathe in helium that changes your voice?


What is actually happening in your body when you breathe in helium that changes your voice?

In: 42

7 Answers

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The sound of your voice comes from air moving past these things called your vocal chords. When the air moves fast, your voice goes high. When the air moves slowly, your voice goes low. Helium is much lighter than regular ol’ air. Picture letting go of a balloon that has helium in it, and then imagine the speed of that balloon. The speed that it flies away from you is the same speed that the helium that you inhale is moving past your vocal chords as you exhale. It’s much faster than the air you normally breathe, so your voice is much higher. There are also gasses that are more dense than air, that can make your voice lower, but since that gas is heavier than what your body is used to exhaling, it can be hard to get it out again. So be very careful.

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