What is actually happening when a Facebook account is “hacked”?


I’m specifically referring to things like the ads for cheap sunglasses that I’ve been seeing for what seems like over a decade now and the more recent “look who died in an accident” video links that three of my elderly aunts have had on their accounts in the last year. Who is “hacking” these accounts and what are they gaining from it?

In: 380

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This thread is so dumb because no one is actually answering the question and just talking about the term of hacking.

To actually answer the question: when a Facebook account gets taken over, the perp has a bunch of personal info on you now. Your password, email, name, birthday, maybe birthplace, schools, etc. They have enough to steal your identity.

The reason they message everyone isn’t an ad, it’s almost always a scam. They are either trying to steal other people’s information using your account, or posing as you to scam your friends.

The link they send is usually another phishing link to try to steal passwords from people who click on them, which then gives them access to all that persons info and the cycle continues.


They are straight up posing as you to try to scam gullible people on your friends list. This is why you might see messages like “omg look at this sweet deal”. Hoping you bite and give them money.

What do they gain from this? In the second case, money. In the first case they could either steal your identity and do some damage, or use that info to try and get into something else more important, like your bank or Amazon account or something more valuable than just your social media.

In conclusion, don’t click on weird links people send you(this applies to all social media, email, discord Reddit, etc) and never enter your password into anything that isn’t the official website.

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