What is actually happening when a Facebook account is “hacked”?


I’m specifically referring to things like the ads for cheap sunglasses that I’ve been seeing for what seems like over a decade now and the more recent “look who died in an accident” video links that three of my elderly aunts have had on their accounts in the last year. Who is “hacking” these accounts and what are they gaining from it?

In: 380

25 Answers

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Since this is eli5, here are two common examples:

1. I have the key to my house, but one day I’m out and about and I see something that looks like my front door. I want to go inside because a sign says there’s something cool and free inside.

When I stick my key in, it’s actually a key copying machine and now a bad person has a copy of my house key. They know where I live and they go, unlock the door and do some bad things. Maybe they even post some fake front doors with cool signs outside my house, to trick other people!

2. Same scenario, but I have 10 houses that I own, and should have ten sets of keys to unlock all of them. But I get lazy and decide to use the same key to open all of them. So now, after scenario 1, the same bad person can open all 10 of my houses (they guessed which ones were mine) and do the same thing with fake front doors and cool signs to trick more people.

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