What is Affiliate Marketing ?


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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s getting a sales commission for referring a sale…

– Say you blog about hiking, and link over to REI when you mention products you like and REI pays you 5% of the purchase

– Set up a site that’s top 5 blue things and link to 5 different items in a category that are all blue on Amazon, and get a % of sales

– Big sites like Wirecutter that recommend products and link over to sites that sell them make commissions

– You’re an influencer and get a promo code to share, and you get a cut of each transaction with that promo code used

Anonymous 0 Comments

When a special link is clicked, the selling website knows where the link came from, and gives a commission to the person who gave out the link. Affiliate marketeers give out those special links, and get a percentage of the deal (or a fixed fee). It’s not always evil, the same goods will likely cost the same if you go to the website directly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Amazon and such want to increase sales.

If a product has say a $8 profit margin, the company may be willing to give up $2 in order to obtain a sale. So they have an influencer advertise their affiliate link and suggest their audience to use the link. The company hopes purchases thru the link where from customers they wouldn’t have had otherwise.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is a way for you to make commission for selling someone else’s product. You have no overhead or employees to deal with. I recently started this and it is an amazing way to bring in some extra cash! Took me a while to get started cause of my skepticism, but upset I waited as long as I did! If you need help getting started, I have created a document with how to get started I can share with you. It goes over my adventure and how to create a sales funnel, email responder, etc. Let me know!