An algorithm is a series or parallel set of steps (often both) which can be followed to produce a specific result. Several analog examples of algorithms exist, but probably the most widely known are recipe cards and the description of a moving assembly line. Note when you are actually doing the thing, you are executing the algorithm, while the algorithm itself describes what you will so. In most cases, the term algorithm is used to apply to computer systems and other digital processes, rather than their analog counterparts. When one speaks of the YouTube algorithm, as an example, they are speaking of particular portions of the YouTube system which take a series of inputs (video, viewing data, likes, comments, subscriptions, rate of such activity over time, etc, etc) to produce particular outputs (recommending videos in “popular” or to specific viewers or at particular times of day or year).
It is also possible to think of an algorithm, especially secret algorithms, as a black box where you dump certain components into it, and a fancy new product comes out the other end.
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