What is an algorithm and how is it created?


For example, Tiktok, Instagram, etc. all have an “algorithm”. But what is that? Who creates it?

In: 4

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

the algorithm tracks the habits of its users for product placement and ad revenue

if it sees you scrolled for 2 hours and liked a picture of a cat, a motorcycle and baseball caps but you spent an extra 2 minutes looking at motorcycles then its going to manipulate your feed into sending you more content of motorcycles.

Eventually when ads are added to your timeline, there will be an ad for motorcycles or if motorcycles are grouped into a broader category of maybe “guy things” then you’ll receive ads tailored to an audience that their targeting to purchase one of the products from the “guy things” group.

It will also use your front facing camera to send you ads with people who have some varying degree of resemblance to you.

If youre black, you will see more ads with black people in them. If youre asian then you’ll see the same etc etc.

Not to mention your browser history and whatever permissions it has to snoop through your phone.

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