what is an ego?

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I’ve googled it so many times, but i still don’t understand. It said something about self esteem, but it’s confusing, so please explain in simple terms

In: Other

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It can mean different things in different contexts.

For laypeople it’s your sense of pride or self-worth. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but someone who is overly proud and a jerk can be said to be an egotist with a negative connotation.

In a more psychological sense the term ‘ego’ refers to the more ‘conscious’ part of your mind. The thinking, speaking, feeling, communicating part, the ‘you’ part of you. It’s contrasted against the Id which is the unconscious “deep soul” part of your identity that might tie into your morals or belief system.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ego is like a little voice in your head that tells you, “I am special and important!” It’s the part of you that feels proud and wants to be noticed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine that your mind is like a car. The ego is like the driver of the car. It’s the part of you that makes decisions, thinks about yourself, and interacts with the world around you. Just like a driver controls the car, your ego helps control your thoughts and actions.

Sometimes, people might say someone has a “big ego.” This means they think they are better than others or are very self-centered, like a driver who thinks they own the whole road!

In Buddhism there is the idea of oneness – unifying the driver and car and indeed all cars as being part of one bigger system.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The “Ego” is what we build as an image of ourselves through the accumulation of our life experiences. It can provide some measurement for ourselves as to how we are doing in life relative to other people. The mistake people can make with the ego is to think that it exists as its own seperate thing.

The term ego is used in normal everyday conversations to make it easier to understand that what we’re talking about is the image of ourselves that we built through all of our life experiences. An “Ego” doesn’t really exist, in the same way that something on its own exists. Like for example, a rock.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If it helps, ‘ego’ is ‘I’ in Latin, as in, ‘me, myself, and I’.

It’s your conscious sense of self.

Anonymous 0 Comments

ego is literally just Latin for “I”.

It means your sense of self, your internally held identity, your basic core concept of who you are. It’s not something most people ever think about much, so it’s mostly just a set of core assumptions about yourself that you operate around, it’s the way you distinguish that which is “I” from everything/everyone else.

If someone has a “big ego” it means they have an inflated sense of self-importance.

It has some more layers of complexity in psychology or psychoanalysis, but that’s a bit technical.

Anonymous 0 Comments

No one’s explaining it like they’re 5

Ego is what you’ve become In this life which is made up of your experiences. It’s simple, your childhood your traumas etc form your ego

It’s what you think about yourself, how you think, how you see the world

Your ego is the “superficial” you, it’s basically stuff your brain has made up and said “this is how it is and what has happened so therefor you act and think this way because how else will it be??”

Anonymous 0 Comments

The ego is the inner voice that tells you who you are.

I’m someone who likes pineapple on my pizza. I’m someone who breaks my KitKats sideways. I’m someone who loves baby blue Ferrari’s. Etc.

If you have a strong ego, it feels threatened whenever some situation or someone else threatens to contradict what that voice says. This leads to defensive and highly emotional responses, either internally or worse externally.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s the part of your consciousness that controls your level of pride. Pride isn’t a bad thing to have when you’ve earned it and you’re not rubbing it in someone’s face to show off. Pride is terrible when you over inflate yourself. It varies in everyone.

An example of someone with an inflated ego is Trump. He’s the definition of prideful, among other things.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Okay, imagine your ego is like a little voice inside your head that tells you how awesome you are. It’s like having your own personal cheerleader! Your ego makes you feel confident and proud of yourself.
But sometimes, your ego can get a little too big for its britches. It might start telling you that you’re better than everyone else or that you can do no wrong. That’s when your ego can get in the way and cause problems.
So, your ego is basically your sense of self-esteem and confidence. It’s important to have a healthy ego that makes you feel good about yourself, but not one that makes you think you’re better than everyone else. It’s all about finding the right balance!