What is an “engine” in video games


I hear it everywherere “this game is gonna use that engine” … Google doesn’t seem to give me a good explanation, so here I am…

In: 1094

40 Answers

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nowadays game engines are a workshop full of tools and off the shelf parts that you can use to build your game.

say you were to build a bike or a car, you don’t want to have to worry about how to make a tire or a wheel. but no worries, the game engine/workshop has a whole assortment of wheels you can choose from and all the nuts and bolt, screw drivers and hammers required to install the wheel.

although you might still need to build a custom wheel cover, you won’t have to worry about the break disks and the hydrolics.

the name engine is chosen because in the early days it was much more like just the engine of a car.

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