Let’s think of this with an over simplified example. A car engine:
A car’s engine relies on a series of inputs, and from those inputs it produces predictable outcomes (or outputs).
If you press on the throttle (input) it leads the engine to intake air and fuel, and produces heat, exhaust and motion (outputs). What you do with those outputs is up to you.
Many “super car “ manufacturers don’t manufacture their own engines, they use engines developed by others (BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, etc..).
So you can think of a game using a graphics engine as just that, a prepackaged module that you can use to build your game. Your inputs (in this case your unique game code) tell the engine to do something it’s developer had already figured out for you (just like your throttle press makes the engine rev, the engine maker figured out how to do that) and from there the output of the engine is something you can work with – like draw an open world.
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