What is an estopic pregnancy and a septic pregnancy?


What is an estopic pregnancy and a septic pregnancy?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I assume estopic was supposed to be ectopic?

An ectopic pregnancy is one where the fetus attached somewhere other than the uterus – usually in the fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancies are not viable, because there isn’t enough room for the fetus to grow without damaging the organ where the fetus has implanted.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sepsis, or being septic, is when you have a widespread infection that starts causing organ disregulation. It’s not related to being pregnant, but when someone who is pregnant gets a septic infection it’s called maternal sepsis, and obviously poses a significant risk to the baby and mother alike.

Anonymous 0 Comments

An ectopic pregnancy is when the embryo doesn’t implant inside the uterus like it’s supposed to, but implants somewhere else in the body instead. Most commonly this happens inside of the fallopian tubes, but it can also happen in the ovaries, too far down the uterus onto the cervix, or even occasionally somewhere outside of the reproductive system entirely. This is extremely dangerous — even though only about 1 to 2% of pregnancies are ectopic, they account for 10% of *all* pregnancy-related deaths. The problem is that a fetus ballooning up somewhere not meant for it generally leads to tissue ruptures and massive internal bleeding. The fetus also has basically zero chance of developing properly outside of its intended environment, so it’s pretty much a guaranteed miscarriage with a huge chance of death.

A septic pregnancy isn’t actually a kind of pregnancy, it’s just when you go septic while you’re pregnant. Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that can happen during a severe infection, where the body starts to attack its own tissues. So if you happen to get an infection while you’re pregnant (or giving birth), and that infection gets bad enough that you become septic, that obviously becomes very dangerous for both the mother and the baby.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For your question about a “septic pregnancy” I think you may be thinking of when there is a naturally occurring miscarriage but the body fails to expel the dead fetus. The essentially rotting fetus can easily cause bacteria to grow and then cause the mother to become septic. If you have a miscarriage you are monitored pretty closely until doctors are sure you have expelled the fetus and if you have not within so many days there is a procedure to remove it so that no sepsis occurs.