What is an instant and how fast is it?


Is an instant even a measure of time? Or is it the absence of it? Please explain, I am so confused!

In: Physics

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine it like a photograph instead of a video. A video displays something over time, a one minute long video shows all the things the camera sees for a time length of one minute. A photograph is a literal instant, only what was happening at that infinitely precise instant is what you see (ignoring shutter speed etc).

Anonymous 0 Comments

The dictionary definition of instant is “an infinitesimal space of time”, or in other words, something that happens in an infinitely small amount of time. An instant is more generally used to talk about things that happen really fast. Like you have microwave noodles, they could be called “Instant Noodles” because they’re cooked really quickly compared to other types of noodles.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well yeah, it’s a zero-length slice of time. It’s a point on the timeline, not a stretch of it.