What is cashflow?


I read a lot about the definition but I can’t really get the hang of it.
Is it the cash that the company is left with at the end of the period? (Meaning the cash in their bank accounts *hypothetically*)

In: 14

17 Answers

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> Is it the cash that the company is left with at the end of the period?

No. Two companies could have the exact same cashflow despite having vastly different amounts of cash.


Imagine Adam has $1,000,000 cash in the bank. He uses $100 to buy some goods, which he later sells for $200. The cashflow of $100-out and $200-in results in a positive net cashflow of $100 over that time period.

Imagine Bob has $100 cash in the bank. He uses $100 to buy some goods, which he later sells for $200. The cashflow of $100-out and $200-in results in a positive net cashflow of $100 over that time period.

In this example, both Adam and Bob have the exact same cashflows despite Adam having ~$1,000,000 cash and Bob having ~$100 cash.

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