What is changing in the brain when something amazing happens to you for the first and you feel great. But the next time it happens you don’t get as excited as before and then after the 100th time it has no effect on your happiness?

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I know it’s the same as getting bored / loosing interest. But is it like a sort of dopamine resistance??

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m not a scientist, but I read a little bit. A big part of it is how your brain experiences pleasure and processes the chemicals that are associated with pleasure. Dopamine plays a major role in this.

Our brains are really good at adapting to things. One of the ways it does this, is through receptor regulation. Meaning, the receptors that “grab on” to things like dopamine can change their amounts and sensitivities, depending on how stimulated they are.

An easy way to picture it, hold out your arm with your fingers outstretched. Your 5 fingers are like the receptors I talked about. Little bitty dopamines would attach to each of your fingers and that would make you feel good. If you keep doing that thing that releases dopamine (especially in excess), like eating certain foods, doing certain activities, etc., your brain will realize, *”Hey, we’re getting a pretty steady supply of this dopamine stuff. Let’s pull 1-2 of those fingers in, because we don’t need them all sitting around waiting to grab stuff. This is not a 5 finger job.”*

It can also work in the opposite way, where more fingers will get extended out, because the brain decides it needs to get more of something.

This is why addictions escalate so dangerously. Your neurochemistry is requiring you to do more and more of that thing to experience the same level of satisfaction, because you have overstimulated and desensitized your neurotransmitters.

This is a really crude explanation, and like I said, I’m not an expert at all. This is just the simplest way I can explain my basic understanding of the up/down regulation of receptors in the body. I mostly posted this because I’m sure there is someone that actually knows and can say if I’m even close on this. I just find this stuff fascinating.

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