The hedonistic treadmill, and diminishing returns.
First the hedonistic treadmill. Brain likes patterns and sets expectations. When a good thing happens unexpectedly, it’s great! When it happens twice, hey, ok, this is a thing that happens. When it happens yet again, you can.start to expect it. Patterns make sense. It’s solved – this is a recurring event and expected. Rely on it, your brain says. It’s not out of the ordinary. It’s completely ordinary. Brain is satisfied it did its job of making a pattern. Only something different is extraordinary.
Diminishing returns is even simpler. When something fulfills a need or want, boom, that’s amazing. But the amazing bit isn’t the thing, it’s the need or want being fulfilled. There’s less need now. So the reward is less too. You get it again, it fills a smaller need, the reward is fine. When you don’t need it anymore, and there’s no more gap to fill, the reward is nothing. You were cold, you got a blanket. Sweet. Two blankets, nice. Third, ok sure. Fifteenth?? No thanks.
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